#otbn Archives | Mastermind Consulting

Open that Bottle Night 2025! How to get involved

Waiting for a rainy day to open those wines you’ve been saving?  That day, Open that Bottle Night is 22 February 2025. Great wine is made to be shared, wouldn’t you agree? And it’s not always about cracking open the oldest bottle in your cellar (alth [...]

By | February 8th, 2024|Blog, Wine, Wine Marketing|0 Comments

Open that Bottle Night: The perfect excuse to open memorable wines!

Waiting for a rainy day to open those wines you’ve been saving?  That day is the last Saturday in February each year. Great wine is made to be shared, wouldn’t you agree? And it’s not always about cracking open the oldest bottle in your cellar (altho [...]

By | January 15th, 2016|Wine Marketing|0 Comments