In a world often dominated by headlines that can feel overwhelming, a new movement is brewing in the wine industry, and it’s all about positivity. The campaign, dubbed #Grapeful, aims to capture and share the countless good news stories from this vibrant industry that we all know and love, drawing inspiration from popular feel-good social media accounts like The Happy Broadcast and The Happy Newspaper. 

Is the glass half empty? Or half full? There is much psychology around how positive thinking can impact mindset and mood. Emotions are well known to impact consumer decision-making, so it’s time to bring positive vibes to the forefront. 

Why #Grapeful? 

The wine industry is a world filled with passion, creativity, and connection. However, like many other industries, it can also be vulnerable to negative press and challenges. From environmental issues and economic downturns to shifting consumer habits, there is no doubt tough times are being faced.  However, behind every vineyard, cellar door, restaurant, or bar, positive, inspiring stories are waiting to be told. The #Grapeful campaign provides a platform to showcase these stories, allowing tales of hope, innovation, community, and joy to balance the doom and gloom. 

By leveraging the power of social media, #Grapeful seeks to change the narrative by highlighting the uplifting, heartwarming, and innovative moments that are too often overlooked. Ashley Ratcliffe from  Ricca Terra is one example, leading the charge with great stories from the Riverland.   

There are many examples of where a small movement like this has led to change. Launched in 2014, “#likeagirl” campaign challenged the negative stereotypes associated with doing things “like a girl.” The campaign transformed the phrase into an empowering statement. This initiative generated widespread discussion about self-confidence and gender equality. 

The “Good Goes Round” campaign by Cheerios also encourages people to start their day with positivity. The brand’s commercials and social media content often highlight small acts of kindness, moments of joy, and stories that bring smiles to people’s faces. Cheerios uses its platform to remind people that doing good leads to more good, and even small positive actions can make a big difference. 

In our sixteenth year of business, we’re also not immune to hard times. However, there are constant reminders of why we do what we do that should be celebrated. Reflecting on the small wins, like seeing brands host member events to express how grateful they are for their continued patronage and support. Similarly, milestone celebrations like Best’s Great Western celebrating 50 years of their cellar door give a reason to celebrate good times and success. We are indeed grateful that many of our clients continue to embrace new ideas and keep pushing boundaries to test and trial new initiatives to connect with their customers.  

The scope here of a simple idea is enormous – reminding our consumers why we love what we do and why they need to support us. This campaign invites everyone involved in the wine and hospitality sector — from sommeliers to chefs, winemakers to restaurateurs — to share their good news stories, using the hashtag #Grapeful across social media content to spread positivity and gratitude. It may only be one or two posts a month, but it can change the discourse and tone of a dialogue. 


Drawing Inspiration from Positive Movements 

Accounts like The Happy Broadcast and The Happy Newspaper have gained popularity by focusing on good news stories worldwide. They remind us that, amidst the challenges, there are always positive and inspiring stories worth celebrating. By focusing on uplifting content, they have built strong communities of followers who are eager for a dose of positivity in their daily lives. #Grapeful aims to tap into that same positive sentiment for the wine industry. A different narrative that moves away from functional product stories to good times and glimpses of success. 


What type of content does it cover? 

So, what kind of stories would be perfect for the #Grapeful campaign? Here are a few ideas: 

  • Heartwarming Employee Stories: Share stories of exceptional employees going above and beyond — whether it’s a cellar door manager who’s passionate about educating guests, or a viticulturist dedicated to doing new things. People are at the heart of social media and it’s often these stories that resonate the most with followers. 
  • Community Impact Highlights: Showcase how wineries are making a difference in their communities. This could include partnerships with local charities, sustainable practices that are being engaged in that benefit the environment, or events that bring people together. We are often grateful for the opportunity to be involved in wonderful programs like the RAS Sydney Royal Wine Show events, or judging awards like Wine Communicators of Australia Wine Communication awards. 

We see many examples of regions rallying together, spreading the word by collaborating on events, viticultural practices and knowledge transfer. It’s part of the fabric that makes regional communities so special, and some of these people and processes could easily be acknowledged.  

  • Customer Happiness Moments: Post photos and stories of happy customers enjoying their experiences — from a couple celebrating their anniversary with a bottle of special vintage wine to friends reconnecting over a meal at a local restaurant. We’re often told about incredible stories of customers enjoying our products, opening at milestone occasions or where we’ve made a difference going above and beyond. We should be grateful for these opportunities to really connect with our consumers and have our products shared on their tables.
  • Innovative Practices and Breakthroughs: Share stories of innovation within the industry. This might include a new sustainable farming practice adopted by a vineyard, like when they become certified by Sustainable Winegrowing Australia. Or an initiative to reduce plastic waste, or a new wine blend that’s pushing the boundaries of traditional winemaking. It’s often the small ripples of innovation that become a platform for the future. 
  • Behind-the-Scenes Magic: Pull back the curtain and let people see the passion and effort that goes into making the perfect glass of wine or creating a memorable tasting experience. This could be a winemaker sharing their passion for the vintage season when fruit conditions are looking good when previous vintages have been not so favourable.  
  • Celebrations of Heritage and Tradition: Share stories celebrating the rich history and tradition behind wines and how they connect us to different cultures and generations. Many wine businesses are small family-owned and operated, so there are some wonderful memories and learnings to share. 


The Power of Storytelling 

The success of #Grapeful will rely heavily on the authenticity and emotion of the stories shared. People are naturally drawn to genuine, heartfelt content that makes them feel good. By using captivating storytelling techniques — such as featuring real people, sharing personal narratives, and showcasing the behind-the-scenes magic — the campaign can engage audiences on an emotional level and build a strong, positive brand identity. We see this sentiment working across social media platforms – people love to connect with people. LinkedIn provides a great way to tag others and thank them for their guidance and support. 

How do we build a #Grapeful Community? 

To maximise the reach and impact of the #Grapeful campaign, fostering a sense of community among participants is essential. Encourage customers, employees, and partners to share their own stories using the hashtag. Create a regular posting schedule to keep the campaign fresh, relevant and engage with those who use the hashtag by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts. 

 Let the Good News Flow: Spreading the Good Word 

Let’s fill our feeds with positive, uplifting stories from the wine and hospitality world. Together, we can create a ripple effect of happiness, gratitude, and community spirit that extends far beyond a single post or hashtag. It’s time to be #Grapeful and let the good news flow!